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Unlocking Online Opportunities : a programme by zoom

PUTTALAM : The Undergraduates’ Association of Puttalam organized a remarkable event named “Unlocking Online Opportunities” on 16.11.2023 via Zoom.

This session was mainly targeted to explore the opportunities we have online to earn. The guest speaker,

Jaufer M. Naseer

CEO & Managing Director,

Ecoz Labs Softwares (Pvt) Ltd.,

Besti Ride, Steppy, PSA

Gave a vivid and insightful lecture on how to open the online earning fortunes and elaborated many ways to be consistent . The positivity and the professionalism of the guest speaker turned the event to be more productive and provoked the thoughts of many of us.

You can watch the session using the below mentioned YouTube link, incase you have missed it.

YouTube Link:

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