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Seeking the Pinnacle of Ramadan, Laylatul  Qadr – The Night of Power


 N.U. Abdul Razzak Udayar

COLOMBO : Islam is a religion of peace that is perfectly built upon the five steady and strong pillars, viz, the Profession of Faith, Prayer, Almsgiving, Fasting and Pilgrimage (Hajj). The fourth tower or the obligatory duty of the Muslims is certainly, piously observing Fasting during the month Ramdhan that invariably falls in the 9th month of Islamic lunar calendar.

Importance of Piety

  Essentially, it is regarded as an act of worship to attain God-conscious piety and one of submissions to Almighty Allah. It was ordered in the Qur’an and is expected that all able Muslims (those who are mature and in good health) should fast from sunrise to sunset during the month of Ramadan. During this time, fasting is a pious act more than just abstinence; it is a means of worship and for Muslims to feel a closer and deeper connection with Allah (SWT). Fasting allows each and every individual to clearly understand what it means to go without and to learn patience with oneself and those around them, as well as compassion for those less fortunate.

This year, the Muslims throughout the world, particularly in Sri Lanka observe it under trying conditions as the economic crunch has adversely affected everyone, yet it is perfectly practiced as usual with piety and patience by the Muslims in this beloved isle. Interestingly, Ramadan is divided into three parts. the Holy Prophet (PBUH) has said, “It (Ramadan) is the month whose beginning is mercy, middle, forgiveness and its end emancipation from the fire” (Al-Anwar, Vol 93). This time the first two stages are over and the third phase of it has reached us bringing the pinnacle of Ramadhan, the Laylatul Qadr or the Power of Night. What is the Power of Night? For a Muslim it is the most blessed day as the Holy Quran was revealed to Prophet Mohammed (Sal) through the angel Jibril (AS) on this historic day of serene silence. This night of Greatness is concealed within the last ten nights of Ramadhan that radiates the brilliance that is unparallel to any time in terms of glory. It is a night when the blessings, compassion forgiveness and mercy of Allah, the Almighty shower upon the earth magnificently.

 Allah says in the Holy Quran in Surah Al- Qadr, “Indeed, “We sent the Quran down during the Night of Decree. And what can make you know what the Night of Decree is? The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months. The angels and the Spirit descend therein by permission of their Lord for every matter. Peace it is until the emergence of dawn.” (97:1-5). If any believer who gets engaged in meritorious acts, he gets the rewards in many folds earning the satisfaction of Allah. 

Need of Seeking the Power of Night

The Muslims are given the task of seeking the Lailathul Qadr in the concluding 10 days of this holy month. The exact day is unidentified in order to make the believers of Islam to continue practising all the good deeds not only on a selected date but also throughout their entire life. The following words of Prophet Mohammed (Sal) confirms this truth.   

“Seek Laylat al-Qadr in the last ten days of Ramadan.” [Bukhari and Muslim] 

Therefore, it is the bounden duty of the Muslims to reach this night simply by continuously getting engaged acts of virtues such as prayer, seeking forgiveness, asking supplication, giving charity, reciting the Holy Quran, helping others, respecting other religions showing patriotism etc. We are urgently required to practice virtue and seek the forgiveness of Allah for there is a bright hope for better rewards. The following Hadis confirms it. 

  The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Whoever prays on Laylatul Qadr out of faith and sincerity, shall have all their past sins forgiven,” (Hadith, Bukhari and Muslim). To be precise on this night, a single act of kindness gives the blessings of 1,000 months. It is high time for the Muslims to have a spiritual reflection and hastily get engaged in acts of virtue and carefully avoid any vice. May Almighty Allah make Sri Lanka a better place of living for all its citizen who live in unity under diversity since time immemorial.

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