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New Year Message from Naseer Ahamed, Minister of Environment

COLOMBO : As the curtain falls down for 2022 and we step into the new year of 2023 I wish my fellow Sri Lankan citizens a better, happier and a more hopeful year ahead. We all know that last couple of years have been unprecedented in bringing troubles, worries, difficulties and restrictions in many aspects of day to day life to all of us in Sri Lanka irrespective of differences. Starting from COVID pandemic, resultant movement restrictions, creating negative economic consequences etc. are all unprecedented difficulties our country had to undergo in the recent past.

However, my request to all is to be hopeful and optimistic that 2023 will be a better year overall. There are signs that the economy has started recovering, tourism arrivals are on the rise, foreign remittances are on the increase and multilateral agencies are positive in extending support to Sri Lanka. With the stabilization of the economy taking place, even though at a slower phase, the government is trying its best to ensure that immediate relief and benefits are given to the vulnerable sections of the country to help them survive the difficult times.

Let us all commit ourselves to create that better future for ourselves and for our children and let our new year’s wish be the first in creating that positive change in our beloved country.  

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