COLOMBO: The month of Ramadan is a holy month because the revelation of the Qur’an to the Prophet began in the month of Ramadan. Thus, the night of the last day of the month of Ramadan, when the first stanza of verses of the Qur’an were revealed, has been named as Laylat al-Qadr. It means powerful or glorious night.
This Ramadan fasting is a combination of many rituals. Among these are fasting during the night of Ramadan, performing special prayers (kiyamull Layl ), offering alms (Zakat al-Fitr), performing religious rites while remaining in the mosque (Ihtikaf), and reciting the Qur’an. It also includes to seek pardon from Allah for the since committed knowingly or unknowingly.
Ramadan (Eid-Ul- Fitr) begins with the sighting of the new moon after observing the fast of Ramadan. The human essence associated with this festival of Ramadan is the enjoyment of brotherhood with the wealth, grain, food and others that one earns with the blessings of Allah, and the practice of the highest virtues for the betterment of human beings by being just and sensitive to all.
Islam practically points out that Ramadan fasting can lead to a lifetime of mental and spiritual development that will help promote brotherhood, self-sacrifice, equality and austerity and togetherness.
It is our sincere hope that Ramadan, which has been rooted in a system of human cultural values since time immemorial, will bring spiritual healing to all the devotees of the world, and that the whole world will be enlightened by the lofty human qualities that are glorified in it.