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Former Lankan president’s voluntary statement on Easter attack leads to immediate investigation

COLOMBO : Minister of Public Security Tiran Alles has ordered IGP Deshabandu Tennakoon to conduct an immediate investigation on the recent statement by former President Maithripala Sirisena on the Easter Sunday bomb attacks.

On Friday,March  (22), former President Maithripala Sirisena claimed that he has knowledge of the true mastermind of the 2019 Easter Sunday terror attacks and that he was prepared to disclose the information to the judiciary if inquired from him or issues an order regarding the matter.

Commenting to the media in Kandy, Sirisena highlighted that he is ready to disclose the relevant information and that at the same time, it is the responsibility of the judges to keep the information strictly confidential.

Meanwhile, the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) Parliamentarian Kavinda Jayawardena lodged a complaint with the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) on Saturday, (23), seeking an urgent investigation into the former President’s controversial remarks.

The remarks also sparked controversy in the political arena and left the former President in hot waters for willfully concealing crucial information about the heinous bombings that claimed the lives of more than 250 people.

Sirisena stated this in response to the allegations leveled against him, following the controversial statement he made on Friday that he has knowledge of the true mastermind of the 2019 Easter Sunday terror attacks and that he was prepared to disclose the information to the judiciary if inquired from him or an order is issued regarding the matter.

“I made that statement yesterday based on information I received three weeks ago regarding the Easter attacks. I am prepared to testify confidentially if ordered by a court”, he said.

“I intend to provide a confidential statement. If I were to give an open testimony in court, I am aware that it could potentially jeopardize my life and even my family. Therefore, this is not merely a matter of political implications. I am making a very sincere statement”, he added.

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