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Dr Sudath Senaratne inducted as the 23rd president 2024 of the perinatal society of Sri Lanka. 

COLOMBO : Eminent obstetrician and  gynaecologist Dr Sudath Senaratne was  inducted as the 23rd president 2024 of the perinatal society of Sri Lanka. 

Perinatal Society started in 2021, has done a lot of activities to improve the quality of  perinatal care, and to reduce perinatal deaths in Sri Lanka.

Dr Sudath Senaratne is an experienced obstetrician who has done huge volume of clinical work in many hospitals island wide and done a lot of  research in his field.

Health Minister Dr Ramesh Pathirana, was the chief guest for the occasion while the guest of honour was Dr Mahipala Herath secretary to the health ministry and the special guest was Dr Asela Gunawardene director general of health services.

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