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COVID lays its icy hands on humble, good people,while private hospitals in Lanka fleece millions of rupees for treatment



When we carefully analyze those who fell victim to this dreaded pandemic, we note that most of them were humble and well-loved people in the society

Most of them walked into hospitals with no assistance from a wheelchair but after spending a few days they were carried out for the final rites by the relatives but not before settling the bills which were running into millions.

I lost two of my brothers within the space of three weeks and both were treated in two different hospitals but both were well known in Sri Lanka.

One wonders whether they were adequately equipped to treat a COVID-19 patient, the medication is really meant for the disease concerned and most importantly the charges are in keeping with the actual or mercilessly inflated.

 We see that all music lovers are now mourning the death of the famous musician Sunil Perera  like what I am now doing after losing two of my dear brothers.

If death is the cure of all diseases, the patients can just remain in their homes taken care by their family members without seeking hospital treatment.

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