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Annual Grand Iftar of  Law Students’ Muslim Majlis -Sri Lanka Law College

COLOMBO : In a heartwarming display of unity and camaraderie, the Law Students’ Muslim Majlis of Sri Lanka Law College recently hosted their Annual Grand Iftar. The event, held  Tuesday, 2nd of April at Sri Lanka Law College premises, invited esteemed guests and community members alike to partake in the spirit of togetherness and reflection.

Among the distinguished guests in attendance were Hon. Justice A.H.M.D Nawaz, Judge of the Supreme Court, Rauf Hakeem AAL, MP, President Counsel Ilyas Admani, and Dr. Athula Pathinayake, the Principal of Sri Lanka Law College. Their presence added an extra layer of significance to the event, highlighting the importance of fostering mutual understanding and respect across diverse communities.

Justice A.H.M.D. Nawaz, in his address, commended the efforts of the Majlis in organizing such a significant event in a remarkably short span of time. He particularly lauded the presence of female leadership within the Majlis, noting its rarity and applauding the inclusivity and diversity it represents.

The primary objective behind organizing the event, as emphasized by the Muslim Majlis, was to showcase the values of brotherhood and solidarity while striving to enhance interfaith understanding and harmony within the community. The Grand Iftar served as a platform for people from various backgrounds to come together, share a meal, and engage in meaningful dialogue, thereby fostering connections and strengthening bonds of friendship.

Sheikh Ahmed Yaseer, delivering a compelling address to the gathering, shed light on the significance of fasting in the month of Ramadan. He elucidated the spiritual purpose behind the practice, delving into the profound impact it has on individuals’ lives and emphasizing the transformative power of the holy month. His insightful discourse provided attendees with a deeper understanding of Ramadan’s significance and served as a source of inspiration for all present.

As the evening unfolded, amidst the breaking of fast and shared moments of reflection, the Annual Grand Iftar proved to be not only a celebration of faith but also a testament to the enduring values of unity, compassion, and mutual respect that lie at the heart of Islam.

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