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ACJU condemns the attack on peaceful protesters

COLOMBO: The All-Ceylon Jammiuatthul Ulama,ACJU, has strong condemned the attack on peaceful protestors at the Galle Face Green and in front of the Temple Trees on Monday, April 9.

In a letter signed by Ash Shaikh M.S.M. Thassim (Acting) General Secretary – ACJU its is stated: “ We are greatly concerned to witness the reports of attacks which were made on Monday,May 9 upon those who were peacefully demonstrating in a democratic manner at the Galle Face and in front of the Temple Trees in protest of the current crisis situation in the country. We strongly condemn this vicious attack, which was against democracy.

We urge the relevant authorities to conduct a fair and transparent investigation into these attacks and take legal action against the perpetrators. We also call on all parties to refrain from violence and to carry out their activities in a peaceful manner.” 

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